Ucamx 2021


Ucamx 2021

UcamX Pro+ is a high-end luxury CAM seat that will exceed your expectations. It is everything included in UcamX, bundled with most of our premium features, at an advantageous price.

The UcamX Pro+ seat is highlighted by these features:

    YELO Copper Adjuster
    YELO Legend Adjuster
    YELO Mask Adjuster
    Tombstone and Solder Escape Prevention
    Secure Etch Compensation with Horns
    Parallel Processing, 64 bit

More features that make UcamX Pro+ stand out from other CAM seats:

    Visual HyperScript
    Visual HyperTool


YELO Copper Adjuster

YELO is short for 'Yield Enhancing Layout Optimizer'. This feature automatically adjusts PCB layout and improves manufacturability. YELO:

    Significantly improves board layouts within minutes
    Cuts back your CAM cycle time by up to 30%
    Achieves superior production yields
    Delivers more reliable PCBs
    Slashes production cost on every batch

YELO Copper Adjuster fixes annular rings as well as copper-to-copper and copper-to-drill/rout clearances fully automatically. It can bring copper widths in plane areas up to the desired specification, or simply removes them when the netlist allows it.

AI techniques find clever layout optimizations within the constraints of the design in a fraction of the time a human would need.

Copper Adjuster’s outstanding optimizations stem from a vast library of automatic layout edits, each of which can be allowed or disallowed individually to suit your customer’s expectations.

    Remove non-functional pads on inner layers
    Move traces, even and split them when necessary
    Expand via and component pads
    Fix rings for plated slots
    Expand/Shrink via holes
    Move via pad stacks
    Shave regions and pads
    Shave Complex Pads
    Neck traces
    Neck pads
    Widen/eliminate copper widths
